growth: n.1.生长,成长,发育,发展。2.栽培,培养。3.生长物,产物;【医学】瘤,赘生物。4.【经济学】(资本价值与收益的)预期增长。短语和例子a growth of weeds 杂草丛生。 evil growths 弊病。 of foreign growth 外国培植的。 of home growth 本国培植的。 of one's own growth 自己栽培的。 rea
The sehk introduced on march 20 the growth enterprise index ( gei ) to provide investors with a benchmark indicator to assess the movement of the gem . the gei was a market - value weighted index with the market capitalisation of all gem stocks taken into account 创业板指数属市值加权指数,即指数中各成分股的比重是按每家公司的市值来计算,所有在创业板上市的公司均为创业板的成分股。